Today, on the 10-05-2023, ICA&D was asked to present on the hybrid WMO-led workshop on data exchange for SADC Member State climate experts taking place in Angola. Delegates from SADC member states were present on site.
Gerard van der Schrier showed how NMHS data are used and why it is important to share this data. Marlies demonstrated how the website can be used and stressed how NMHS data are protected when ICA&D products are derived.
Afterwards, case studies were highlighted by the RCCs of South East Asia and Europe. Valuable contributions came from Dr. Haryoko from the BMKG based in Indonesia on the implementation of SACA&D (South East Asia Climate & Dataset). He showed derived products, including gridded datasets over South-East Asia and highlighted the work of 3 PhD students who performed their research on the data available from SACA&D. Finally, Kevin Healion from ICARUS, Maynooth University presented on Climate Data Rescue. He gave hands-on examples on rescued records from the ACMAD collection. These were rescued by students and the general public.
Many questions came from the delegates, indicating their interest in ICA&D.